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Natural Wonders |That Look Like They are Fake But They are Real | Fiction Facts|

In this video, the host presents several natural wonders that are said to look like they have been man-made but are completely real.u The video discusses strange occurrences sch as Dancing Forest in Russia, curved and twisted pine trees, the Space Station at Saturn’s North Pole, which has a hexagonal cloud pattern, and Oakville, Washington, where rain appears as translucent jelly-like blobs covers about 20 square miles with flu-like symptoms. The host also mentions man-made structures, such as Manchineal trees, which are considered one of the most dangerous trees in the world, and volcanic lightning, which occurs in Venezuela. In addition, the video mentions tsunamis and their potential dangers. The host emphasizes the importance of being prepared for such disasters and taking measures to mitigate their impact. Overall, the video provides fascinating insights into natural wonders and disasters that may look fake but are real.

  • (00:00:00) The National Park in Russia on the shores of the Baltic Sea is home to the mysterious Dancing Forest, where scientists have yet to determine the cause of the curved, twisted pine trees. Locals in the region of Piedmont, Italy are fascinated by a cherry tree found atop a mulberry tree, where both trees are perfectly healthy. The Space Station at Saturn’s North Pole has a hexagonal cloud pattern which has been observed for many years and is surrounded by a golden color recently, believed to be caused by exposure to sunlight during the changing seasons. In Oakville, Washington, the rain that falls from the sky appearing as translucent jelly-like blobs covers about 20 square miles with flu-like symptoms on those who get close to them. The geological phenomenon of walking rocks can be seen in Death Valley National Park, California, which move across the ground with no external intervention. The Bata gecko crater in Siberia exposes what the earth looked like thousands of years ago. The throbbing hum in Taos, New Mexico has disrupted the lives of locals since the 1990s, and the West Seattle hum is one of the sources that has blamed on Mechanical Devices. Fairy rings of mushrooms appear in grasslands and forested areas, and the assortment of spherical stones in Costa Rica known as Las Bolas, some weighing up to 16 tons.
  • (00:05:00) In this section, the video discusses several natural wonders that are said to resemble man-made structures but are backdropped by swimming holes, parks, and waterfalls. The Gariba Limestone and Sandstone formations in Chief’s houses in the Mekong River are considered to be put in straight lines, without any precise information about their origin. naga fireballs are also mentioned, which consist of several glowing balls rising from the water at the Mekong River that tend to move around or even sway around, while the Devil’s Kettle, located on the North Shore of Lake Superior, is a waterfall that cannot be explained by Scientists still, its water disappears into a hole in the ground, making it a challenging area for visitors to roam around. The glowing lights in the Hestelles Valley in rural central Norway, seasonally spotted cross the sky in a zone of white, yellow, and red lights, are mentioned momentarily, but their origin is not known.
  • (00:10:00) In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the potential dangers of natural disasters such as earthquakes, mega tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The speaker highlights the risks associated with each of these natural phenomena and cautions viewers to be aware of their potential for devastation. They also emphasize the importance of being prepared for such disasters and taking measures to mitigate their impact.
  • (00:15:00) In this section, the speaker discusses natural wonders and natural disasters. Specifically, they discuss the mega thrust in Chile, which is a natural earthquake hazard that is located near a subduction zone, where two tectonic plates meet and one plate goes beneath the other. This creates a build-up of stress that eventually results in a major earthquake. Chile has experienced several earthquakes in recent years, leading scientists to worry that the area may be preparing for a devastating one before the end of the century. The speaker also talks about recent solar storms, such as the Carrington event, which caused Northern Lights and damage to telegraph lines, and the possibility of a future solar storm causing a major power outage.
  • (00:20:00) In this section, the video provides insights into natural wonders, particularly those that look fake but are absolutely real. The first wonder discussed is the Manchineal tree, which is considered the most dangerous tree in the world. Its poisonous juice can harm humans and animals, causing damage to the skin if it comes into contact with the tree or its droplets. The mansion yield tree is the most dangerous tree, as it contains corrosive, acidic liquid that can cause severe burns if it touches the skin or hands. Another bizarre natural wonder is the katatumbo lightning, which occurs in Venezuela nightly. This lightning phenomenon is caused by the meeting of cold and warm air currents, and one theory suggests that lightning is due to the presence of uranium in the bedrock. A dirty thunderstorm occurs above a volcano, causing lightning, which is also deadly. In all these cases, the viewer should avoid contact with these natural wonders, and tourists might be harmed if they are unaware of their potential dangers.
  • (00:25:00) In this section of the YouTube video, the host shows footage of natural wonders that look like they’re fake but are real. The host starts with a discussion about a beautiful turquoise lake located near a volcano. However, the lake is full of acidic sulfurous gases that make the water toxic. The host advises caution and suggests waiting for cooler temperatures before visiting the lake. Next, the host shows footage of the sulfurous gases emitting from the lake, causing the sea to turn sinister red. The host calls the phenomenon “red tide,” and warns that it can be dangerous for marine life, humans, and even ships. The host then shows footage of two trees that look like they’ve been stained with milk. The host advises caution again, as the milk-like substance is highly toxic to humans. After that, the host shows footage of a purple sky at sunset, caused by a concentration of vapor in the air that scatters the blue and red light coming from the sun. The host warns that dangerous storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, can also create purple skies. Finally, the host shows footage of the sea level rising with a quick reaction, advising viewers to run as far away from the beach as possible. This is a sign that a tsunami is on the way. The host emphasizes the importance of quick reaction to maximize chances of survival.
  • (00:30:00) In this section, Tsunamis are discussed. Tsunamis happen in 40% of cases, and the first wave is usually the incoming water. The next wave follows about 10 minutes later and is often much larger and more dangerous. Rip currents can form in the water and can be extremely dangerous. Tsunamis are sometimes accompanied by loud sounds, often like Thunder or a helicopter. Cloud formations can also indicate the possibility of a tornado, and animals, such as bees and snakes, seem to sense approaching big seismic events. Additionally, there are warning signs for sinkholes, such as unusual door jams or slanted floors, and these should be addressed by consulting with an engineering company for professional help. Lastly, Volcanoes can emit a harmonic tremor which is a non-audible to human ears but can sometimes make it sound like a strange rumbling or hissing coming from the ground.
  • (00:35:00) In this section, the video discusses various natural phenomena that may seem fake but are actually real. It mentions that understanding the causes of volcanic streams could lead to the development of an early warning system for volcanic eruptions. It also explains the unique anatomy of octopuses, including their three hearts and nine brains, which allows their arms to act independently. The video then discusses the year 1816, known as the year without summer, which was caused by a massive volcanic explosion that sent ash into the atmosphere. The stunning black sand beach in Iceland, formed due to volcanic activity, is also highlighted. Additionally, it mentions that some trees communicate with each other to warn of danger and explains the science behind shooting stars and colorful desert sunsets.
  • (00:40:00) In this section of the video, the host discusses Natural Wonders that Look Like They’re Fake But They’re Real. The first wonder mentioned is the sunset, which can be muted in urban environments due to air pollution. The vivid colors of the sun can be seen in deserts, where there is no rain or clouds to filter or reflect sunlight. The next wonder is the speed of bamboo growth, which can grow up to three feet in just one day. Bamboo grows underground, connecting its shoots to its parent plant, to reach sunlight as quickly as possible. Moving on, the host discusses trees and their shallow root systems, which need access to oxygen and water. The roots of some trees have shallow root systems due to obstacles such as rocks, stones, and compact soil, which prevent the roots from going down. Drought conditions are another reason trees can have shallow root systems. Land plants developed a special protein to protect themselves against the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun and water them. From there, the host discusses how some common beliefs are mistaken, such as watering plants in midday sunshine causing them to sunburn. The center of the sun is Surrounded by a mantle of rock that protects us from its heat. The final wonder discussed is volcanic lightning, which occurs due to static electricity and ice crystals moving in the atmosphere.
  • (00:45:00) In this section, the video highlights natural wonders that look like they’re fake but are real. The first example is the world’s first salt hotel located in Bolivia. Another is the Rainbow Mountain in Peru, which still has scientists puzzled despite its colorful form. Beneath the surface of Northern Lakes, pockets of highly flammable and combustible methane gas trapped under water form psychedelic landscapes. In 2018, Eastern Europe experienced an orange snow event due to a Sandstorm that carried dust, sand, and pollen particles. Around 11,000 years ago, Gobekli Tepe was completed by skilled craftsmen, who managed to chip and lift Limestone blocks despite the lack of tools. Devil’s Tower in Wyoming is an 867-feet tall rock formation with steep walls, and its origins are still unknown. Croatia’s Pleat Fitzas Lakes National Park is a popular tourist attraction with unique animals and plants. The Yanaguni monument off the coast of Japan is a collection of structures thousands of years old, but scientists are still debating if it’s natural or man-made. The Giants Causeway in Ireland is shaped in a unique way, but the reason behind it is still a mystery. Falls in Iceland are named after the dark lava columns surrounding them, and hair ice resembling cotton candy or a white hair wig can be seen in the forest on a humid winter night.
  • (00:50:00) In this section, the video explores various natural wonders that seem fake but are actually real. One such wonder is the Hair Ice Formations in Canada, which are created by a fungus that allows ice to form super thin hairs and supports the form throughout the night. Another wonder is the Carhenge in Nebraska, which is a tribute to Stonehenge created by an author who studied the real Stonehenge and built his own version out of old cars. The video also discusses the lower gravity in Hudson Bay, Canada, caused by the ice sheet that covered the area about 10,000 years ago, and the fossilized fish discovery in the Sahara desert, which led scientists to believe there could have been a sea where the Sahara is now.
  • (00:55:00) Natural wonders from all over the world can be found in this section. An underground Crystal Cave in Mexico, home to some of the largest crystals on the planet, and Leskintire beach in Scotland, with its endless expanse of white sand and azure water. The Georgia Guidestones, a collection of massive stones in a star pattern in California, and the famous Easter Island stone heads, the glaciers in Antarctica, and the super long track tornado in the United States. In addition, there are crystal-clear waters in the Philippines, the red sand beaches in China, Tristan dacuna, the unusually cold weather in the Northeast United States that froze the ocean, and the unstable stone of Devasco in Argentina.
Alysha Auer

Alysha Auer

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